February 15, 2012 (Vol. 32, No. 4)
Strong Points: Nice site design, good organization
Weak Points: Forum section rather empty
Are you enthusiastic about epigenetics? Are you happiest when studying histone modifications? Well you’re not alone. Engaging Epigenetics Experts (or, more concisely, “e3”) is a website designed to connect epigenetics researchers from around the globe and foster communication. So far, there are approximately 1,200 members of this community. The site contains both a forum section as well as a blog, to which any member can contribute. Members can search for other researchers in a number of ways, including by publication or blog post. In addition to the community communication features, the site also offers a list of recent epigenetics publications, as well as a few links to other online epigenetics resources. These resources (the publications and links) are probably the most useful at this point, as the forum seemed to be fairly bare. Hopefully as the community continues to grow, members will increase their communication with one another.