June 15, 2015 (Vol. 35, No. 12)




Strong Points: Free protocol videos and tools

Weak Points: Most content (journal articles) is behind paywall


The experimentalists out there are likely familiar with at least some of the Wiley Current Protocols journals. But did you know that there is much more content to discover on the Current Protocols website than the behind-the-paywall journal articles? In fact, there is a fair amount of free content and useful tools to be found on the site. Under the “website resources” tab, you will find a collection of short protocol videos that cover topics such as staining proteins in gels, preparing a mounted eyelash for handling sections, and removing the jelly coat from frog eggs. Additionally, under the “tools” section of the website, users will find 19 tools and calculators. Some of these—such as the buffer calculator and DNA-protein translator tool—are hosted on the site, while others—like NEBcutter and Primer3Plus—are external, third-party tools that are linked to from this website. 

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