April 1, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 7)




Strong Points: Software downloads, nice links collection

Weak Points: Cumbersome navigation


One need not solve any complex equations to come to the conclusion that an online site that allows the exchange of ideas and software pertinent to the discipline of computational chemistry is a useful resource for researchers in the field. That’s exactly where CCL.net comes in. This “electronic forum for chemistry researchers and educators” provides researchers with a centralized hub to send members messages, contribute software files for others to download, and explore the various links to institutions, software/hardware sites, and various other databases of interest to computational chemists. The site isn’t the prettiest to look at, but then again, I guess programming code—the “currency” of computational researchers—isn’t all too aesthetically pleasing, either. One minor annoyance is that each click opens a new tab, which makes it a bit cumbersome to navigate between pages.

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