November 15, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 20)
Strong Points: Awesome pictures
Weak Points: Language issue for non-speakers
Here’s a first for the column, as best I can recall, a site without an English translation. Hosted in Belgium and written at least partly in French, the “Cercle de Mycologie de Mons” is great for French-speaking mushroom enthusiasts. Come to think of it, the site is also great for non-French mushroom enthusiasts, which is why I present it here. The site contains the most impressive and extensive sets of mushroom pixs I have ever found. With over 1,800 images and over 1,000 species, the site will wow anyone with the diversity and quality of images presented. Is a picture worth a thousand words even if you don’t understand the language describing it? The answer here is definitely oui, oui.