June 15, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 12)


Strong Points: Great organization, resources for reviewers and applicants
Weak Points: None


Just as young investigators in academia must learn how to think critically and plan experiments, they must also learn to convince others that their work is worth funding. That’s right, the dreaded “G” word: grants. The grant proposal process in general can sometimes seem like a black box, so in an effort to de-mystify it, the Center for Scientific Review of the National Institutes of Health provides an excellent website. The site includes resources such as links to YouTube videos about the review process, answers to frequently asked questions, and an “insider’s guide to peer review” for applicants. The website isn’t only geared toward the applicants, though. There are also a number of resources for reviewers, including reviewer guidelines and an orientation to the whole process. Nicely organized and full of helpful information, this site is a must for any investigator looking for funding through the NIH.

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