November 15, 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 20)
Strong Points: Nice page design, great image/line drawing collections
Weak Points: None
While aquatic and invasive may seem to be an odd pairing for this plant website, I assure you that the information comes together nicely in the many pages of facts. The Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants at the University of Florida/IFAS has put together a nice educational site where visitors can peruse a plant glossary, learn the scientific/common names of many species, and watch videos that instruct how to identify various plants. My favorite resource on the page, however, is the collection of 175 line drawings of native, non-native, common, and rare plants. These black-and-white drawings are perfect for use as educational coloring worksheets (or for that matter, they’re a great resource for anyone who’s simply looking to add some artwork to his/her home). Especially for teachers looking to use the coloring sheets in their classrooms, there are also sheets depicting flower parts and various leaf shapes.