August 1, 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 14)


Strong Points: Great links
Weak Points: Lacking content in some areas


Whether you pronounce it “AY-POP-TOE-SIS” or “AP-O-TOE-SIS,” scientists with a morbid interest in cell death will enjoy, an initiative started and maintained by Ph.D. students. The site is clearly a work-in-progress, as evidenced by some blank pages and outdated conference dates/publications. However, the scaffolding is in place to make this site a hub for apoptosis research. Currently, there is an expansive encyclopedia (or rather, an “apoptopedia”) of apoptosis-related terms, as well as a collection of protocols. The links page features not only apoptosis-related sites, but also scientific glossaries and a very useful list of scientific databases. Additionally, there is an incomplete list of labs studying apoptosis, to which any cell death researcher can add him/herself.  This site has great potential, but it is dependent on users contributing information—so get the word out!

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