April 15, 2012 (Vol. 32, No. 8)
Strong Points: Free software downloads and other tools
Weak Points: Some restricted (not free) content
Pay close attention to your acronyms—this is not the place to go for information on disease control. Rather, this website for the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) contains a great deal of useful information for all of you crystallographers out there. A nonprofit institution in Cambridge, England, the CCDC provides a number of free resources to the research community that are accessible from their website on the “free services” page. On this page, visitors will find nine free tools ranging from software downloads, to databases, to a set of 500 crystallographic structures for teaching purposes. As an example of what you’ll find here, Mercury is a software package that includes tools for structure visualization, while Relibase is a web-based database of protein-ligand complexes. Want more? Head over to this cleanly designed website and take advantage of the charitable resources from the CCDC.