December 1, 2010 (Vol. 30, No. 21)
Strong Points: Well organized, provides background information as well as images
Weak Points: None
Want to feel smart? What better place to (virtually) visit than the online Brain Museum! A joint venture of the University of Wisconsin, Michigan State University, and the National Museum of Health and Medicine, the online Brain Museum provides collections of images and resources for the comparative study of mammalian brains. And believe me, the selection is quite exotic, including over 175 species such as wallabies, armadillos, and porpoises (in addition to the standard fare of monkeys, humans, and sheep). Beyond simply providing photographs of various brains, there are informative blurbs about each species, photographs of brain sections for a number of species, an animation illustrating the development of the human brain, and some other brief educational pages. This museum is definitely the place to go if you want to get bombarded with brains!