November 15, 2013 (Vol. 33, No. 20)
Strong Points: Great collection of useful resources, all free
Weak Points: None
Scientists are in the business of discovering new things each day, but sometimes the things that we should already know (but don’t necessarily think about) can really trip us up. For instance, for that DNA extraction that you’ve done a thousand times, do you know how ethanol actually precipitates your DNA? Do you know how a phenol chloroform extraction actually works? If not, feel free to take a nibble of the free knowledge available at, an excellent reference website for biologists. Through its series of articles, user-submitted questions, and web seminars, BitesizeBio will turn you into the laboratory expert you’ve always wanted to be. If your hunger is still not sated, you can register for a free site membership, which provides even greater access to members-only articles, videos, and eBooks.