January 15, 2008 (Vol. 28, No. 2)


Strong Points: Eclectici articles
Weak Points: Articles too short, weird site organization

The Biotech Blog is a site that is both interesting and confusing. The confusing aspect is the first thing you’ll discover, the opening page, which lists a bunch of interesting-sounding article titles (Fostering the process of adoption of personalized medicine: A matter of communication or a matter of cost) that don’t link to the actual article. Huh? To find the goodies, I had to go to the Archives section at the top of the opening page where I found the monthly blog archives up to and including the current month. Why those weren’t shown on the opening page is a bit mysterious. The articles are interesting (Building Biotechnology on Facebook) though rather short. They also include comments that also tended to be short—at least the ones I saw. Overall, the site is not quite up to the standards of other scientific blogs that I’ve reported on. The eclecticism of the articles, though, gives me hope that it can be improved.

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