March 15, 2007 (Vol. 27, No. 6)
Strong Points: Lots of interview/cover letter material
Weak Points: Poorly organized, ridiculous HTML coding
This career-related site wins points for its aims though its delivery leaves a lot to be desired. Biosnail is focused not on listing jobs but rather on preparation for interviews and making first impressions. The job listing section of the site offers only links to other sites with jobs. Indeed, all the offerings of the site seem to be links to other sites with everything from resume tips to sample resumes to cover letters to resume software. In the Safari browser, the site had a bizarre behavior. Each link, when clicked on, generated a new window behind the main one. Firefox, however, didn’t give the same result. If you’re willing to wade through a lot of links and advertisements, you’re likely to find some useful career-related material, but I must seriously question if it is worth the effort.