August 1, 2015 (Vol. 35, No. 14)


Strong Points: Nicely organized site, up-to-date
Weak Points: No content on the blog page


The BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium—a group comprised of scientists and educators—creates freely accessible science curricula that emphasize the use of real scientific practices. On the group’s website one can read more about the “3P’s approach” to science education, which consists of problem posing, problem solving, and peer persuasion. Site visitors can access the educational content from past and present projects, which include modules on topics like bioinformatics and molecular biology. Citations for written resources developed by the BioQUEST community can be found on the publications page. In addition, site visitors can also find information about past and upcoming conferences and events on the homepage. In all, there is a lot of useful information and nice resources available on the site for educators looking to expand beyond “traditional” methods of science pedagogy in their classrooms.

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