June 15, 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 12)
Strong Points: Broad target audience
Weak Points: Resources are a bit hidden on the site
I remember in school being asked to define “biophysics.” Silence ensued. My classmates and I tried breaking the word down, surmising that it is the study of the physics of biological systems. But what did that mean? Somehow we couldn’t visualize how boxes on inclined planes and pulley systems (our only physics frame of reference) had anything to do with what’s going on inside our bodies.
If only we had first visited the homepage of the Biophysical Society, which provides an excellent body of resources about biophysics. This information ranges from the elementary question, “What is biophysics?” to providing an
in-depth, textbook look at biophysical techniques and molecular structure. What I especially appreciated about the site was the large target audience. Not just aimed at biophysics neophytes, there are a number of links to protocols, databases (such as the Protein Data Bank), and other resources for seasoned biophysicists. My only critique of the site is that this goldmine of information is obscurely located: “About us >> Committees >> Education >> Educational Resources.