April 1, 2005 (Vol. 25, No. 7)


Strong Points: Excellent Organization of links, news
Weak Points: None

With a name like BiologyBrowser, this site has a leg up on many others. It sounds interesting, and unlike many others, it is interesting. The organizers deserve a lot of credit. Aimed at a very broad audience, BiologyBrowser is like the Wall Street darling that exceeds expectations. With a tightly organized opening page, the site provides visitors easy access to up-to-the-minute News, a superbly organized collection of biological information organized by Organism, Subject, and Geography, and a search engine that allows easy alternative access to the same information. In a few clicks, visitors can travel to sites all over the Web covering many species of interest. Yes, this is a link-based site, but it is so well done that you’ll look at it differently from almost any other link site you’ve seen before.

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