January 15, 2005 (Vol. 25, No. 2)




Strong Points: Organization, relevance of links

Weak Points: None


If you were to divide bioinformatics up in to broad categories, how would you do it? The folks at the Bioinformatics Links Directory segment the field into ten interesting groups, including some you might expect (DNA, RNA, Protein, Sequence Comparison) and others you might not expect (Model Organisms, Expression, Other Molecules). One of the categories (at press time) didn’t even have any entries. Ooops! That’s about all there is to fault, though, at Bioinformatics Links Directory’s excellent collection of links. It gained entry into my browser’s bookmarks just a few seconds after I scanned its contents. With excellent organization, good descriptions, and a very relevant set of links, the Bioinformatics Links Directory is a must for anyone interested in the field.

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