April 1, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 7)




Strong Points: Unique scientific reports, many career resources

Weak Points: Some information poorly organized


Here is a “library” that is just as much about contributing information as it is about retrieving what you seek. Aimed at “supporting and promoting the scientific activity of students and scientists,” BioInfoBank Library provides opportunities for users to write about their science in a slightly different format than the usual abstracts or full-length papers. The short reports are meant as an exercise in effective scientific communication, and in fact, the site actually awards monetary prizes for the best reports. (There is also a best thesis competition.) Along the same lines of career development, there is a listing of upcoming conferences, job listings, and space to place résumés. The registered users on the site are from around the globe, so this is a great place to read the work of—and interact with—the international scientific community.

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