April 1, 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 7)
Strong Points: Excellent articles
Weak Points: Nothing significant
Dr. Ben Goldacre has something on his mind. Maybe he is contemplating having his other ten strands of DNA activated over the Internet (did you know you have twelve strands already?) for the bargain price of $39. Far more likely, though, he
is pondering the preposterousness of pseudoscience, the likes of which have a way of creeping into the media and the spam folders of our inboxes. (Miracle weight loss pill, anyone?) No scientific charlatan is safe from Dr. Goldacre’s critiques and sarcastic condemnations, which comprise his “Bad Science” column for the British newspaper, The Guardian. On this site you’ll find all of these columns, archived from 2003. In addition, you too can join the lively conversation, posting comments in response to the myriad topics included on the site. So the next time you’re tempted to take your Paypal account for a spin over some online nucleic acid activation, you might try checking out this page first