October 15, 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 18)
Strong Points: Diversity of structures and ways to view them
Weak Points: None
Just as one might marvel at an architectural wonder—the pyramids or the Parthenon, perhaps—I am continually amazed at the elegant forms of macromolecules. You will be too once you visit the Atlas of Macromolecules. The variegated display of nature’s microscopic wonders includes enzymes, nucleic acids, virus components, toxins, and other macromolecular structures. Structures can be viewed in a variety of ways, be it via Proteopedia, FirstGlance in Jmol, or Protein Explorer, and they are divided into “straightforward” or “challenging” structures. (In this case, “straightforward” structures are those lacking complications such as alternative sidechain conformations or being NMR ensembles.) The site also provides links to other browsable lists of molecules, so you can rest assured that there is no shortage of structures here.