May 15, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 10)
Strong Points: Large number of articles
Weak Points: Hard to navigate
It took me a second to realize that the X in the title of this site is to represent a Greek chi, so this is an archive site. Oh—I get it now, but why not just spell the word ’archive’? We are, after all, capable of reading. That’s a pretty petty gripe, however, considering what is available in the archive. Hosted by the Cornell University library, provides free access to over 350,000 ’e-prints’ in physics, mathematics, computer science, and quantitative biology. What’s the catch, you wonder? I can’t seem to find one, save the fact that quantitative biology has the fewest number of headings. Under quantitative biology, topic areas include biomolecules, cell behavior, genomics, and others. Organization is rather higgledy piggledy—mostly focused on dates. The search engine too is formatted for dates, though one can search by words or authors. Papers can be viewed in several graphic formats, including PDF.