March 1, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 5)


Strong Points: Organization, eduational content
Weak Points: Could be more current

By now, virtually everyone knows that apoptosis is the phenomenon of programmed cell death, but unless you’re one of those junkies who scans Science every week for news on this topic, you may not know about involvement of the mitochondrion in the process. That’s where the simply named Apoptosis site comes in. With a simple interface covering major topics in apoptosis (induction, role of mitochondria, Bcl-2 proteins, caspases, nuclear effects, role of nitrous oxide, etc.), the site puts visitors close to the action and makes information access a breeze. Could the site be better? Yes, it could (or should) have a news section for up to the minute news on this fast-paced subject, and the articles could be a bit more in-depth, but for newbies, it is a great start.

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