October 1, 2007 (Vol. 27, No. 17)




Strong Points: Very broad coverage of field

Weak Points: Nothing significant


An acronym for Ascidian Network for In Situ Expression and Embryological Data, ANISEED is an organismal database for ciona and halocynthia. If you’re not familiar with the Ascidians, they are invertebrates known as the chordates, a group of organisms that diverged from the vertebrates early on. Their morphological simplicity and their responses to mRNA injections and gene loss-of-function by injection of morpholino oligonucleotides have made them popular lab systems for studying development. The ANISEED site provides a wide variety of services and information to meet the needs of researchers in this field. Offerings include location of clones, identification of cis-regulatory regions, BLAST searches of Ascidian genomes, anatomical information, gene expression data, a literature database, and FTP delivery of ANISEED data. Apart from a slightly clunky pull-down menu interface, ANISEED is an almost impeccable site for Ascidian researchers.

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