February 1, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 3)


Strong Points: Continually updated allergen database, option to browse recently added entries
Weak Points: Some areas of the site are bare


It’s winter, so springtime allergies are currently being kept at bay, but as anyone with food allergies will tell you, it’s not just pollen that is the immunological enemy. Perhaps this fact can best be appreciated by visiting Allergome.org, a self-described “platform for allergen knowledge.” The site contains a compilation of allergen molecules, which currently contains just fewer than 3,300! These come from a whopping 1,868 sources such as various plant species and bacteria. If you are looking to keep up on the latest allergen knowledge, this website offers the convenience of being able to selectively view new or modified molecules/sources from the previous week, in addition to simply browsing the entire collection. The website also contains a collection of links to further direct your investigations. There are some aspects of the site, however, that are bare, so it might be just as worthwhile to check for updates to the site itself, in addition to the allergen database.

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