February 1, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 3)


Strong Points: Well-organized, clear language
Weak Points: None


For patients, their friends and family, and members of the general community, it can sometimes be a daunting task to maneuver one’s way through the sea of information that’s available about HIV and AIDS. Aidsmap.com simplifies this process of getting the information you want by providing an easy-to-navigate website full of easy-to-understand facts. (In fact, the only unclear information I found on the site was what NAM—the nonprofit organization behind the site—stands for. A minor point, but frustrating nonetheless…) The website succeeds in providing information for a general audience not only about the “basics of HIV”, but also on a number of topics such as transmission and prevention, social and legal issues, and how HIV works. Additionally, the E-atlas is a wonderful resource to search for HIV/AIDS organizations and services around the world.

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