October 15, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 18)


Strong Points: Site design and organization, great teaching materials
Weak Points: None


Students these days know that many animal species are endangered, know what DNA is (well, one would hope), and know that the environment must be preserved. Action Bioscience is a fantastic resource to develop this rudimentary knowledge into a deeper understanding. For instance, what are the ramifications if certain species go extinct? What can we actually learn from our genome? In what specific ways is the environment changing? A very nicely organized site, Action Bioscience focuses on six areas: biodiversity, environment, genomics, biotechnology, evolution, and science policy. For each of these categories, the site includes peer-reviewed articles and links to other resources. Another valuable aspect of the site is the collection of educator resources, which includes lesson plans and teaching strategies. Lesson plans are labeled according to grade level, spanning middle school to undergraduate education.

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