Rating: Excellent

Strong Points: Guides are well organized, informative, and easy to follow

Weak Points: None


Antibody staining is an essential tool for examining the localization and concentration of proteins in tissue samples, but determining the appropriate protocols for these techniques can be frustrating. The Essential Antibody Guides from Abcam minimizes this frustration by providing an expansive list of resources to help with every antibody application. The website contains a wealth of information about antibody techniques and has simplified diagrams for choosing which technique to use based on your question, what types of antibodies to apply, and how to validate your results. Additionally, there are expanded protocols for performing Western blots and immunohistochemistry, which step users through the entire process from tissue collection to imaging. Although many of the guides are written with Abcam products in mind, the Essential Antibody Guides is, overall, a valuable resource for researchers who are new to antibody applications and are looking for a place to start.

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