October 1, 2005 (Vol. 25, No. 17)




Strong Points: Well-organized information

Weak Points: Dumb title


Here’s a site with a lot of information and a rare opportunity—it’s up for sale. Billed as providing “up-to-the-minute news about vaccines and an annotated database of vaccine resources on the Internet,” vaccines.com serves a very diverse audience. On the opening page, one can view information aimed at adults, parents, practitioners, and researchers. Other sections deal with journals on epidemiology, immunization, or pediatrics and a listing of relevant organizations in the field. Most of the content at the site is in the form of links which are organized in an intelligent manner. I found it very easy to navigate to find what I wanted, and the Search page and Site Index page assisted further. There’s a lot to like here, save for the rather ugly title. Perhaps a column reader will buy vaccines.com and fix that as well.

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