January 15, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 2)


Strong Points: Links, large collection of advice articles
Weak Points: None


This website seems like such a wonderful, common sense idea, and yet in all of my professional interactions, I have never heard a fellow researcher reference this wonderful site. I am hoping to rectify that with this review. 4researchers.org is a project supported by the NIH that, simply stated, consists of researchers helping researchers. (A novel concept, I know…) Basically, the road from graduate school to becoming an independent researcher or head of your own laboratory is far from easy, so why not take advantage of the wisdom and advice from those who have already traveled the path? Visitors to this site can read fellow researchers’ comments regarding funding, research design, collaboration, dissemination, and career advancement, and can also browse through various links. With a collection of more than 1,000 articles and a diverse array of links to other resources, any young investigator is sure to find something on 4researchers.org that will make his/her life in the lab a bit easier. (And hey, every little bit helps!)

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