September 1, 2014 (Vol. 34, No. 15)


Strong Points: Continuous science news from a variety of sources
Weak Points: No counter during current program




Not getting your fill of science news? The Science Radio app, part of the National Science Foundation’s Science360 network, provides continuous audio programming (yes that’s right—24 hours a day, seven days a week) drawn from various podcasts and news sources. The interface for the app is very simple (as one might expect from a largely audio app). The currently scheduled program is listed (title, source, and run time), as well as the next program that is coming up. A limitation of this very simple display is that there is no counter depicting how far into the current program you are. Users can “pause” the radio but this really amounts to simply muting it, as the show continues to progress even in the absence of you listening to it.

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