July 1, 2015 (Vol. 35, No. 13)
Strong Points: Easy-to-use model, many examples included
Weak Points: Slight lag with graphical display
Students of chemistry are perhaps most familiar with viewing molecules as balls and sticks; however, the molecular models presented in the ODYSSEY Electron Sharing app consist of only nuclei and electron clouds. This alternate visualization is used to teach students about covalent bonds. Using water as a primary example, the app allows users to compare the structures of a water molecule, dimer, and liquid droplet under various electron density conditions. After that primer, users can explore 30 other example molecules while manipulating the electron density. The app includes a brief text introduction to the model and the included example molecules under the “OBSERVE” section of the app, while further tutorials and tips can be found under the “comments” section. In addition, a small number of key terms are defined within the app’s glossary.