Rating: Very Good

Strong Points: Fun to use, helpful study tool

Weak Points: Only a few topics currently available

Platform: iPad/iPhone/Android

Cost: $2.99

Mol Chemistry, from Substrate Games, is designed to make learning organic chemistry a little less painful and a little more fun. Users can choose from a few topics that they want to review, including chiral centers and stereoisomers. Each topic comes with a tutorial, which describes what the topic is and how to identify its presence in a chemical structure. The app provides 2D and 3D chemical structures in which users have to identify the atoms of interest, based on the topic they chose. For example, users who have difficulty identifying chiral centers can test their ability by picking out chiral centers on a chemical structure and seeing if they are correct. Users can track their accuracy over time and advance through more difficult levels. Although there are only a few topics available, Mol Chemistry is a good app that provides a helpful review of organic chemistry concepts in a fun format.

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