Rating: Excellent
Platform: iPhone/iPad/Android
Cost: Free
Strong Points: Easy to navigate; can make corrections and monitor jobs from anywhere.
As datasets get larger and analyses get more complex, cloud computing has become an essential tool for scientific research. If your institution uses Microsoft Azure as its cloud computing platform, then you have to check out the Microsoft Azure app. Although it doesn’t let you use your phone as a mega processor, it does provide essential insights into any projects that you have running on the cloud. From the app, users can monitor their job status and examine resource usage. Users can also fix issues that may come up as the job is running and can even open a shell window in the app if they need to run some extra commands. Cloud computing can be nerve-wracking since large jobs often take hours or days to complete, making it impossible to monitor the entire process from your lab computer. Fortunately, you can keep an eye on your jobs from the convenience of your phone with the Microsoft Azure app.
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