March 1, 2015 (Vol. 35, No. 5)
Strong Points: General reference with lots of information, great prefixes/suffixes
Weak Points: Medical abbreviations section gives terms without defintions
Well that’s certainly one way to brag about the quality of your app: include the phrase “#1 Rated Medical Reference App” in the title. Naturally, my expectations were pretty high going in, and I’m happy to report that the app actually delivers (though I can’t quite speak to whether it is, in fact, the “#1” medical reference app out there). The app consists of three sections: lab reference values, medical abbreviations, and medical prefixes/suffixes. The largest, most comprehensive section of the app is the reference values section, which contains information about various lab tests, including the “normal” values and possible meanings of abnormal results. These tests fall into sixteen categories including hematology, liver disease, endocrine labs, and lipid panel. The medical prefixes/suffixes portion of the app is also quite informative and is a good reference even for people outside the medical profession.