July 1, 2014 (Vol. 34, No. 13)
Strong Points: Large collection of information authored by experts
Weak Points: Cannot open PubMed from within app
In the inPractice Oncology iPad app, health professionals in the fields of oncology and hematology will find a complete textbook of information related to treating patients with cancer. The content is broadly divided into thirteen sections including breast cancer, lung cancer, sarcomas, hematologic malignancies, supportive care, and general oncology topics. Each topic is itself comprised of a number of individual chapters, each of which is authored by experts in the field and reviewed/updated regularly. (The date of the most recent review is given at the top of each chapter.) Links to the PubMed abstracts for literature cited are given within the text, although unfortunately one is unable to actually link to the PubMed website from within the app. Users can bookmark individual pages within the app, and can also email links to specific pages of the textbook.