October 1, 2013 (Vol. 33, No. 17)




Strong Points: Includes a lot of information, good visual aid

Weak Points: Flawed zoom mechanics, too expensive






We are all taught sometime during our early education to use flowcharts or other brainstorming diagrams to organize our thoughts. The iMicrobiology HD app employs this chart-making strategy to provide study guides for microbiology students trying to remember, say, which viruses are single-stranded versus double-stranded RNA viruses. From the “maps” button on the home screen, users can explore the relationships among different types of viruses, bacteria, or parasites. In general, users can select a given node of the map to either display or hide the subsequent nodes (although the more general “summary” maps don’t offer this option). While a useful visual study aid, the maps are too large to be viewed in their entirety on the iPad screen and the zoom mechanics are a bit flawed.

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