April 1, 2012 (Vol. 32, No. 7)




Strong Points: Functional navigational tools

Weak Points: The latest issue may not appear for a while






The Howard Hughes Medical Institute is known to have many outreach services, putting free science into the hands of anybody who wants it. One such initiative is the free e-magazine, the HHMI Bulletin. Reading this magazine has just gotten much more iPad-friendly, with the HHMI Bulletin reader app. This app allows users to download any issues from August 2010 onward, to be read with ease via a user interface that allows users to adjust font size and easily move between articles in each bulletin. The app includes a brief tutorial to acquaint users with the navigational features of the app (which really is useful to know, as these features remain hidden until the user taps the screen in the correct place). The reader works in both portrait and landscape modes. The app also provides in-article links to additional online resources

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