May 1, 2017 (Vol. 37, No. 9)
Strong Points: Nicely organized, good user interface
Weak Points: Internet connection required to access course materials
iPad, iPhone, Android
Coursera is one of the major platforms for MOOCs (massive open online courses), offering over 1,000 free online courses to students around the world. The accompanying Coursera app allows students to quickly and easily access their courses while on the go. The app provides a convenient home screen that lets users view all of their current enrollments on the “courses” page, and their past enrollments on the “accomplishments” page. With an internet connection, app users can browse or search the course catalog from within the app, which is organized according to topic. Alternatively, users can opt to get recommendations for courses by specifying their general interests and primary goals. The app is nicely organized and provides an appealing interface for users.