November 1, 2012 (Vol. 32, No. 19)
Strong Points: Large video library
Weak Points: Unclear how often library is updated
Forget the moniker “lab rat”—there’s a new term to describe your labmate: bench fly. OK, perhaps your labmate won’t appreciate the new nickname, but he/she will certainly appreciate the BenchFly app, a companion app to the website of the same name. With the Benchfly app, it is as if you are a fly on the wall in other laboratories, watching their protocols, learning the tricks of the trade, and picking up inside tips. That is because the app brings a large protocol video library to your fingertips. The videos span the subjects of biology, chemistry, instruments and equipment, and DNA/RNA, among others. The app also includes the option to record your own protocols, which you can upload through the “my bench” feature (requiring free registration). Full of useful information, I highly recommend this app to all you lab rats—er, I mean, bench flies—out there.