March 1, 2013 (Vol. 33, No. 5)



Strong Points: Editable buffer list, lab log feature

Weak Points: Crashes on iPhone4, can’t delete lab log entries






AppForLab is an “app”-tly named application that provides some useful features for the biological bench scientist. The calculators section of the app contains the usual suspects, including molarity and dilution calculators, a Tm calculator, as well as calculators to compute the recipes for SDS-Page stacking and resolving gels. The buffer list contains a number of recipes for common lab stocks such as LB media and 50x TAE. Conveniently, the recipe pages are editable, so users can add their own notes. Users can add pages to the buffer list, as well. The lab log is a simple note-taking feature, but is useful within the context of the app. Unfortunately, while users can easily add new entries, there does not seem to be a way to delete entries (although perhaps in the context of a laboratory notebook that makes sense…). Graphics depicting amino acid and nucleotide structures, as well as a codon table, round out the built-in features of the app.

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