November 1, 2012 (Vol. 32, No. 19)


Strong Points: In-app search features, customizable user interface
Weak Points: None




I admit, when I first read the name of this app, it evoked images of centrifuges, pipettes, and other, well, “lab gear.” In fact, this app has nothing to do with centrifuges; rather, it is a handy reference for medical professionals (and the curious patient) containing all sorts of information related to medical lab tests. Containing a large number of common laboratory tests such as lipid panels and urine analysis, the LabGear app provides numerical values for “normal” ranges for each test, gives a description of the test, and also states what values outside of the normal range may indicate. An especially nice feature of the app is its online search capabilities—for any entry in the app, the user can quickly open the corresponding Wikipedia page, entry on the Lab Tests Online website, or Google search with a touch of the appropriate icon on the side of the screen. Additionally, the app offers a customizable organizational scheme for ease of browsing.

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